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art activism.

 story tellers shape what we believe in, what we can see and therefore the guiding visions of tomorrow
map-makers delineate the past and offer tools,
resources and ideas on how to build the future

art guides the spirit
- activism guides our hands

the synthesis of understanding the world (science),
understanding what is most important for the good life (philosophy),
and how to communicate what we feel beyond words (art)

the explorations for the good life have to come in a comprehensive and 'holisitc' persepcitve, excuse my language., so for this the activism we do aims at the mental health, economic and social conditions, poltiical conditions, and of course the macroframe. since this can be very demanding we begin with a focus on connections to communicty members, nature, and meditatio  and other mental health tools since without this we fail to do any menaingful chang.e burnout happens most because of perceived impact.

then the projects aim to connect people to actions give their sutitaution, because the options and posssible routes of actions for each community can be different we always incoroporate people from thos community for the propoosed solutions.

the third ad teh most amibitious part is the global reach and effect, in which we think about our conneciton on a global and other timescale. like many indigenous nations in the united states we can think seven generations ahead for our actions, like many of our ancestors we can 

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